Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chinooks Kill Dreams..

I think of myself to be very fortunate to live in Canada. Even more specifically, Alberta!
The beautiful landscape, the great Canadian climate. We've got the rockies, and rolling hills, as well as city centres and farm towns!
And chinooks...
I can't believe I'm about to do this, but I am actually complaining about the weather!
It has been around 9 degrees Celsius for the past 2 weeks, THE MIDDLE OF JANUARY!
(for any readers from south of the border, that's about 48 Fahrenheit, get a relative system already...)

If you don't know, Chinook is a Native term for the warm wind that is unique to this part of the world, the word means "snow eater" and it does precisely that. If this was any other winter I would be loving this! T-shirt weather in January, no snow to shovel, it's just peachy! 
But it's not just any other winter...
This is the winter that a couple of friends and I decided to finally learn and play some ICE hockey.
It's been going so well so far, the odd trip out was more slushy than the other but at least it was skate-able. 
And now my rink looks like this...
(this isn't my rink specifically but the conditions are the same)

Michael J. Melted Rink. 2007. Photograph. Flickr - photo SharingWeb. 7 Feb 2012. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/chealion/439414466/in/photostream/>.

I actually saw some people playing Street hockey on my street this weekend... 
You should not be playing STREET hockey in JANUARY! 
I don't want to hear people calling "CAR!!".
Mother nature is a terrible zamboni, and the weather man can't predict sh#%!
Cold winter for the record books my ass.

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